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DropConn = proc (peer: PubSubPeer) {....gcsafe, raises: [].}
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GetConn = proc (): Future[Connection] {.async: (
    ...raises: [CancelledError, GetConnDialError]).}
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GetConnDialError = object of CatchableError
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OnEvent = proc (peer: PubSubPeer; event: PubSubPeerEvent) {....gcsafe, raises: [].}
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PeerRateLimitError = object of CatchableError
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PubSubObserver = ref object
  onRecv*: proc (peer: PubSubPeer; msgs: var RPCMsg) {....gcsafe, raises: [].}
  onSend*: proc (peer: PubSubPeer; msgs: var RPCMsg) {....gcsafe, raises: [].}
  onValidated*: proc (peer: PubSubPeer; msg: Message; msgId: MessageId) {.
      ...gcsafe, raises: [].}
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PubSubPeer = ref object of RootObj
  getConn*: GetConn
  onEvent*: OnEvent
  codec*: string
  sendConn*: Connection
  connectedFut: Future[void]
  address*: Option[MultiAddress]
  peerId*: PeerId
  handler*: RPCHandler
  observers*: ref seq[PubSubObserver]
  score*: float64
  sentIHaves*: Deque[HashSet[MessageId]]
  iDontWants*: Deque[HashSet[SaltedId]] ## IDONTWANT contains unvalidated message id:s which may be long and/or
                                        ## expensive to look up, so we apply the same salting to them as during
                                        ## unvalidated message processing
  iHaveBudget*: int
  pingBudget*: int
  maxMessageSize: int
  appScore*: float64
  behaviourPenalty*: float64
  overheadRateLimitOpt*: Opt[TokenBucket]
  rpcmessagequeue: RpcMessageQueue
  maxNumElementsInNonPriorityQueue*: int
  disconnected: bool
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PubSubPeerEventKind {.pure.} = enum
  StreamOpened, StreamClosed, DisconnectionRequested
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RPCHandler = proc (peer: PubSubPeer; data: seq[byte]): Future[void] {.
    async: (...raises: []).}
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RpcMessageQueue = ref object
  sendPriorityQueue: Deque[Future[void]]
  nonPriorityQueue: AsyncQueue[seq[byte]]
  sendNonPriorityTask: Future[void]
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func `==`(a, b: PubSubPeer): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc canAskIWant(p: PubSubPeer; msgId: MessageId): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc connect(p: PubSubPeer) {....raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc connected(p: PubSubPeer): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc getAgent(peer: PubSubPeer): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc handle(p: PubSubPeer; conn: Connection): InternalRaisesFuture[void, void] {.
    stackTrace: false, ...raises: [], gcsafe, raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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func hash(p: PubSubPeer): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc hasObservers(p: PubSubPeer): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc hasSendConn(p: PubSubPeer): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc new(T: typedesc[PubSubPeer]; peerId: PeerId; getConn: GetConn;
         onEvent: OnEvent; codec: string; maxMessageSize: int;
    maxNumElementsInNonPriorityQueue: int = DefaultMaxNumElementsInNonPriorityQueue;
         overheadRateLimitOpt: Opt[TokenBucket] = Opt.none(TokenBucket)): T:type {.
    ...raises: [].}
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func outbound(p: PubSubPeer): bool {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc recvObservers(p: PubSubPeer; msg: var RPCMsg) {....raises: [],
    tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc send(p: PubSubPeer; msg: RPCMsg; anonymize: bool; isHighPriority: bool) {.
    ...raises: [], raises: [], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect].}

Asynchronously sends an RPCMsg to a specified PubSubPeer with an option for anonymization.


  • p: The PubSubPeer instance to which the message is to be sent.
  • msg: The RPCMsg instance representing the message to be sent.
  • anonymize: A boolean flag indicating whether the message should be sent with anonymization.
  • isHighPriority: A boolean flag indicating whether the message should be treated as high priority.

High priority messages are sent immediately, while low priority messages are queued and sent only after all high priority messages have been sent.

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proc sendEncoded(p: PubSubPeer; msg: seq[byte]; isHighPriority: bool): Future[
    void] {....raises: [], tags: [WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect, RootEffect].}

Asynchronously sends an encoded message to a specified PubSubPeer.


  • p: The PubSubPeer instance to which the message is to be sent.
  • msg: The message to be sent, encoded as a sequence of bytes (seq[byte]).
  • isHighPriority: A boolean indicating whether the message should be treated as high priority.

High priority messages are sent immediately, while low priority messages are queued and sent only after all high priority messages have been sent.

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func shortLog(p: PubSubPeer): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc stopSendNonPriorityTask(p: PubSubPeer) {....raises: [],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, TimeEffect, RootEffect].}
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proc validatedObservers(p: PubSubPeer; msg: Message; msgId: MessageId) {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [RootEffect].}
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template formatItIMPL(it: PubSubPeer): auto
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formatItIMPL, exclIfIt, hash, shortLog, random, $, write, PeerId, ==, getField, <=, capLen, init, validate, init, match, <, getBytes, maxInlineKeyLength, write, withValue, safeConvert, shortLog, >=, withValue, public, shortLog, compilesOr, toBytes, filterIt, match, valueOr, init, init, init, toOpt, init, withValue, hasPublicKey, >, hex, len, cmp, extractPublicKey, DNS_OR_IP, shortLog, random, UDP_DNS, $, MaError, ephemeral, MaPatternOp, ==, WS_DNS, initVBuffer, <=, decode, MaxSizeError, filterIt, ECDHEScheme, shortLog, init, closed, [], shuffle, random, VBuffer, Secret, peekVarint, random, $, validate, init, bytes, maxInlineKeyLength, TranscoderDNS, QUIC, [], ephemeral, withValue, WS_IP, public, MAKind, decode, write, write, init, valueOr, getRepeatedField, matchPartial, libp2p_pki_schemes, getBytes, WebSockets, init, readLp, HTTP, initVBuffer, atEof, LPStreamTrackerName, peekSeq, toOpt, fullAddrs, payloadType, LPStreamError, init, $, IP, protoAddress, QUIC_V1_IP, newRng, ==, withValue, checkValid, mac, getPublicKey, len, CircuitRelay, extractPublicKey, mapAnd, new, maErr, hash, UDP_IP, new, newLPStreamEOFError, init, DNSADDR, mapOr, AddressMapper, init, write, PeerId, WSS, LPStream, QUIC_V1, TCP_IP, hash, init, closeImpl, readSeq, toBytes, TCP_DNS, shortLog, encode, capLen, protoName, ==, toRawBytes, MaPattern, init, WSS_DNS, match, writeLPVarint, CryptoResult, parseFullAddress, init, WebRTCDirect, init, init, UDP, PeerInfo, TranscoderOnion, StreamTracker, write, init, LPStreamResetError, writeArray, LPStreamIncompleteError, [], LPStreamEOFError, IP6, shortLog, initVBuffer, PKScheme, init, toString, payload, init, Connection, write, init, TCP, PrivateKey, getBytes, write, init, &=, PeerInfoError, newLPStreamClosedError, random, compilesOr, close, TranscoderIP4, init, toException, DNS, goffset, readVarint, getRawBytes, >, KeyPair, init, high, cmp, DefaultConnectionTimeout, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, formatItIMPL, Signature, exclIfIt, formatItIMPL, toBytes, DigestSheme, IPFS, readOnce, init, isEmpty, data, shortLog, hex, protocols, init, HTTPS, QUIC_DNS, len, LPError, TLS_WS, sign, encode, supported, update, MaResult, init, TimeoutHandler, toBytes, writeSeq, &, DNS6, IpTransportProtocol, IP4, TranscoderPort, safeConvert, getField, init, >=, init, payloadDomain, $, withValue, init, LPStreamLimitError, TranscoderOnion3, SignedPayload, init, toBytes, protoArgument, newLPStreamLimitError, write, keyOpenArray, finish, match, parseFullAddress, $, isEmpty, writeLp, init, newLPStreamIncompleteError, init, newLPStreamResetError, initStream, contains, stretchKeys, getField, shortLog, DNS4, getWrapped, readArray, selectBest, write, P2PPattern, Envelope, hasPublicKey, toException, init, isEnough, Reliable, addrs, hex, closeImpl, getBytes, decode, WS, QUIC_V1_DNS, encode, init, readVarint, getField, match, <, iv, readLine, Eof, CryptoError, verify, append, DNSANY, WSS_IP, LPStreamConnDownError, peekArray, UNIX, PeerRecord, init, SupportedSchemes, getField, Unreliable, SupportedSchemesInt, random, checkFutures, macOpenArray, key, validate, $, protoCode, mapEq, init, Onion3, TcpOnion3, hash, concat, TranscoderP2P, AddressInfo, ConnectionTrackerName, TranscoderIP6, write, EnvelopeError, encode, len, newLPStreamRemoteClosedError, TranscoderIP6Zone, MaPatResult, Direction, init, InvalidVarintError, shortLog, ==, init, write, getBytes, write, init, UTP, MAProtocol, QUIC_IP, init, PublicKey, WebSockets_IP, writeLp, writePBVarint, readExactly, protoArgument, newLPStreamConnDownError, WebSockets_DNS, initStream, getField, MultiAddress, ivOpenArray, closeWithEOF, orError, getField, LPStreamRemoteClosedError, MaInvalidAddress, LPStreamClosedError, RsaDefaultKeySize, items, write, getOrder, TranscoderUnix, SignedPeerRecord, join, writeVarint